A life-threatening allergic reaction to a hot dog with ketchup and mustard left Lidia de Los Rios struggling to breathe when she was 10. This was the start of a series of dangerous and puzzling episodes of anaphylaxis that sent her to the emergency room many times and to countless doctors visits for more than a decade.


After a battery of tests and several opinions from physicians during that time, none could identify the root cause of her anaphylaxis. With no clear answers for what was driving her condition, Lidia's diet became so restricted that her weight dropped to 81 pounds. The ongoing ordeal eventually led her to develop anxiety, depression, and a fear of swallowing.


In our exclusive video, Lidia shares her story of how her diagnosis using a Thermo Fisher test helped her doctor develop a new treatment plan enabled her to eat foods that once would have killed her, transforming both her physical and mental health.