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What Are Year-Round and Perennial Allergies?

Year-round allergies, also called perennial allergies or indoor allergies, are a result of coming into contact with something that you’re allergic to, regardless of the season.

If you’re always sniffling and sneezing, you may think of your home as your place to escape and recuperate from what seems like an endless cold. But some things hidden in your home may actually be the cause of your symptoms.


Hidden items in the home that cause year-round allergies graphic

Common Year-Round Allergy SYMPTOMS

Common year-round allergy symptoms are similar to most other allergies, which include:

  • Itchy, stuffy nose 
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, watery, swollen, bloodshot eyes 
  • Scratchy, swollen throat 
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing 
  • Tightness in the chest


Accurate Diagnosis

If you suffer from these symptoms throughout the year, you’re probably interested in what will stop them more than what’s causing them. But you may not be able to really find relief until you receive an accurate diagnosis. Even allergies to indoor allergens can appear seasonal in nature, since the allergen levels will vary with environmental conditions like temperature and humidity.

For a better consultation with your healthcare provider, fill out My Symptom Profile to help guide your conversation and maximize your time.


Common Year-Round Allergy causes

Allergens that can trigger pereninial allergies year-round can be found within your home, and do not depend on the seasons. Common causes of year-round allergies include animal dander, dust mites, insects, and mold. 



Your cat or dog could be causing your symptoms.


Animal Dander: A combination of skin, fur, and saliva.

Dust Mites

Dust Mites

These tiny creatures are the cause of many allergy symptoms.

Dust Mites

Dust Mites: Tiny bugs that are too small to see even with the naked eye.



Endless sniffles could actually be a reaction to these insects.


Insects: Like cockroaches, have a protein in their body parts, saliva, and waste that can set off allergy symptoms.



An allergic reaction to this fungus is no fun at all.


Mold: Releases tiny, unseen particles called spored that float in the air. 


The Symptom Threshold

You may think that only pollen causes your symptoms, but other allergic triggers may be involved, too. In fact, 80% of people with allergies are allergic to more than one thing.Everyone has their own unique combination of allergic triggers and not all of them are obvious.

You may experience mild reactions to several things, but they are so small that you don’t notice them on their own. But when you encounter multiple things you are allergic to at the same time, all of those small reactions can add up to the point where you start having symptoms.2,3

Determining if you have allergies and identifying your allergic triggers can help you stay below the point-your symptom threshold-where you start sniffling and sneezing. Learn how your allergic triggers can add up.

Learn more about the symptom threshold >

Allergy Season


My Symptom Profile

Make the most of your appointment
Talk to your healthcare provider about specific IgE blood testing.

Use these questions to help your healthcare provider understand what’s going on with your symptoms. Review your answers together during your office visit to decide if specific IgE blood testing is right for you.

Help your healthcare provider understand what’s been going on with your symptoms and decide if specific IgE blood testing is right for you!

Start Questionnaire

Here Is Your Recap. Now What?

What can your My Symptom Profile tell you about allergies? Nothing, by itself. So resist the temptation to self-diagnose. Treating allergy symptoms with over-the-counter medications or other remedies without determining the cause could lead to more issues in the long run. When paired with testing, such as specific IgE blood testing for food or respiratory allergies, your My Symptom Profile can guide your healthcare provider in creating a customized trigger-management plan to help reduce exposure to suspected allergens.

What symptoms are you experiencing or have you experienced?

Do your symptoms get worse during a particular time?

Do you notice your symptoms more in certain places?

How long have your symptoms been present?


Select all that apply
Runny nose
Itchy eyes
Chest tightness
Abdominal cramps
Itchy mouth
Difficulty breathing
Red, itchy patches of skin
Scratchy throat
Select all that apply
In the morning
At nighttime
In the fall
In the spring/summer
In winter or when temperatures drop
After eating certain foods
When sick
During or after exercise
Select all that apply
At home
At school/work
Around pets or animals
Select one
Since birth
Less than 1 week
More than 6 weeks
For several years

Download a PDF of your results to help guide your conversation and maximize your time with your healthcare provider.

Download Results
Am I Allergic?


To properly manage and treat year-round allergies, you must first know and understand exactly what is causing your symptoms. The first step is talking to your healthcare provider about allergy testing options to determine the right one for you. Along with discussing your symptoms and medical history with your healthcare provider, a specific IgE blood test can help rule allergy in or rule it out. For example, once you know for sure that mold is causing your allergy symptoms, you can work through a management plan and identify ways to avoid the allergen. 

  1. Ciprandi G, et al. Characteristics of patients with allergic polysensitization; the polismail study. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 40(3); 2008: 77-83.
  2. Wickman M. When allergies complicate allergies. Allergy. 2005;60(Suppl 79):14–18.
  3. Burbach GJ, et al. GA2 LEN skin test study II: clinical relevance of inhalant allergen sensitizations in Europe. Allergy. 2009;64:1507-15.