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Helpful Allergy Resources

For your allergy appointment

If you’re constantly suffering with symptoms like watery eyes or nasal congestion, you’re probably interested in what’s causing your symptoms to try and find some relief. That may not be possible unless you’ve received an accurate diagnosis from your healthcare professional. For a better consultation with your healthcare provider, fill out My Symptom Profile to help guide your conversation and maximize your time.     

Do you have questions?

You probably have questions about allergies; and that’s why we’ve answered some of the most common questions in our FAQ.


Sometimes the medical terms associated with allergies can seem like a foreign language. That’s why we’ve made an easy-to-understand list of some of the terms you may come across when researching your allergies.

Discover the truth

See how allergy blood testing helped these people discover the underlying allergic triggers behind their reactions.    


My Symptom Profile

Make the most of your appointment
Talk to your healthcare provider about specific IgE blood testing.

Use these questions to help your healthcare provider understand what’s going on with your symptoms. Review your answers together during your office visit to decide if specific IgE blood testing is right for you.

Help your healthcare provider understand what’s been going on with your symptoms and decide if specific IgE blood testing is right for you!

Start Questionnaire

Here Is Your Recap. Now What?

What can your My Symptom Profile tell you about allergies? Nothing, by itself. So resist the temptation to self-diagnose. Treating allergy symptoms with over-the-counter medications or other remedies without determining the cause could lead to more issues in the long run. When paired with testing, such as specific IgE blood testing for food or respiratory allergies, your My Symptom Profile can guide your healthcare provider in creating a customized trigger-management plan to help reduce exposure to suspected allergens.

What symptoms are you experiencing or have you experienced?

Do your symptoms get worse during a particular time?

Do you notice your symptoms more in certain places?

How long have your symptoms been present?


Select all that apply
Runny nose
Itchy eyes
Chest tightness
Abdominal cramps
Itchy mouth
Difficulty breathing
Red, itchy patches of skin
Scratchy throat
Select all that apply
In the morning
At nighttime
In the fall
In the spring/summer
In winter or when temperatures drop
After eating certain foods
When sick
During or after exercise
Select all that apply
At home
At school/work
Around pets or animals
Select one
Since birth
Less than 1 week
More than 6 weeks
For several years

Download a PDF of your results to help guide your conversation and maximize your time with your healthcare provider.

Download Results