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Meet Andrea & Sylvia

2 years ago, these twin girls were both diagnosed with an egg allergy—will their reactions continue to be the same as they grow older?

Meet Charlie

He was diagnosed with an egg allergy as an infant, but recently ate egg without having a reaction—did this 5-year-old boy outgrow his allergy?

Meet Jill

Jill’s parents removed eggs from her diet when she was just a few months old, but she’s never been tested—will this 9-year-old girl be able to eat eggs?

Meet Thomas

This high school senior has been rushed to the emergency room twice because of his egg allergy—can a test finally get him to take his allergy seriously?

Meet Alice

This 7-year-old girl has been diagnosed with a milk allergy—but is she likely to outgrow it?

Meet Antonio & Isabel

At 6 months old they were both diagnosed with a milk allergy. Since allergies can change over time—will their results continue to be the same as they get older?

Meet Elizabeth

Even though this 5-year-old girl has a milk allergy, can she safely eat baked foods like muffins that contain milk?

Meet Vanessa

She was diagnosed with a milk allergy as an infant, but she recently ate some ice cream without having a reaction—did this 4-year-old girl outgrow her allergy?

Meet Caroline & Emma

Both girls have tested positive for a peanut allergy—but will they have the same reaction?

Meet Tim

Tim’s parents removed peanuts from his diet when he was 2, but he’s never been tested. Is he truly allergic to peanuts?

Meet Sophie

After eating a bowl of fruit and nut cereal, this 8-year-old girl was covered in large hives—what caused her reaction?

The people, places and events depicted in these photographs do not represent actual patients, nor are they affiliated in any way with the attached case study or Thermo Fisher Scientific.