Animal and pet dander allergies are common – cat and dog allergies alone affect 10 to 20 percent of the population worldwide.1 And if you’re an animal lover who thinks you have a pet allergy, you know the heartbreak is real.
But that may not be the end of the story.
That’s because allergies to pets like dogs, cats, and horses may be just one of the number of allergies you may have. And your pet allergies may be more complex than you realize.
The only way to know is to see your healthcare provider and ask for allergy testing. Along with your medical history and a physical examination, your test results will help you finally understand what you’re really allergic to and what you might be able to do about it.
A simple way to identify your allergic triggers is to request specific IgE blood testing. This, along with your pet allergy symptoms (such as itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath), can help pinpoint your allergic triggers.
If your eyes water or you start to sneeze after touching, or just being near an animal like a cat, dog, or horse, you may have an animal dander allergy.
Animal dander: A combination of skin, fur, and saliva, animal dander is extremely lightweight and can stay in the air for hours. Because of this, it can cause symptoms long after the animal has left the room. Dander can also land and stay on furniture, carpets, mattresses, upholstery, and clothing. In fact, people who have pets can unknowingly carry dander with them everywhere they go, including school or work.
An allergy to animals in general, and cats and dogs in particular, is a risk factor for developing asthma and allergic rhinitis.3
If you have one or more of these symptoms after being near an animal, you may be allergic.
Common symptoms of pet allergy include:6
The short answer is: NOT necessarily. Many people are allergic to more than one thing, so if you know what all your allergic triggers are, you may be able to manage your exposure to them to avoid reaching your Symptom Threshold (the point at which you start to experience symptoms).7
Exposure management may bring you below your symptom threshold so you can potentially keep your pet, and experience fewer symptoms.
To be sure, consult your healthcare provider to get to the root of the cause of your symptoms.
Request specific IgE blood testing to help your healthcare provider determine your allergic triggers.
Specific IgE testing can help your healthcare provider determine if animals or other allergic triggers are behind the endless sneezing and sniffles.
A simple blood test, together with your symptoms and history, can help your healthcare provider identify any underlying allergen triggers you may have. And unlike skin-prick testing, a blood test can be done even when you are taking antihistamines.
Knowing if you’re allergic, and what you’re allergic to, can help you or a loved one reduce exposure to what’s causing your symptoms and improve how you feel.
"Am I allergic to pets?" isn't a simple "yes" or "no" question. Animal allergy reactions can vary and depend on the specific animal and protein causing the reaction.
Specific IgE blood testing for pet allergen components, available for cat, dog, and horse, helps your healthcare provider identify the specific proteins that may trigger a reaction. So instead of knowing that you are allergic to certain animals in general, you can know exactly which protein within the animal may trigger the reaction, and also determine whether it’s a specific sensitization or cross-reactivity.
Meaning, you can get answers to questions such as:
"Can I keep my pet cat?"
"Could my cat or dog make my symptoms worse?"
"Can I be allergic to a male dog, but not a female dog?"
Because it's not just knowledge you'll gain, but peace of mind, too.
What can your My Symptom Profile tell you about allergies? Nothing, by itself. So resist the temptation to self-diagnose. Treating allergy symptoms with over-the-counter medications or other remedies without determining the cause could lead to more issues in the long run. When paired with testing, such as specific IgE blood testing for food or respiratory allergies, your My Symptom Profile can guide your healthcare provider in creating a customized trigger-management plan to help reduce exposure to suspected allergens.
Download a PDF of your results to help guide your conversation and maximize your time with your healthcare provider.
What to know about specific IgE blood testing
What to know about specific IgE blood testing
What to know about specific IgE blood testing
What to know about specific IgE blood testing