June 20, 2020
By Kortney Kwong Hing, guest contributor
Kortney Kwong Hing is an adult living with food allergies, asthma, and eczema. She blogs at allergygirleats.com and co-hosts The Itch Podcast with Dr. Payel Gupta. Kortney shares personal stories and advice for living with allergic disease.
For many people, getting an appointment with a specialized healthcare provider takes a long time. Trust me, I know. It took more than three months to get an allergist appointment, and before that, I had not seen one in 20 years. When the appointment finally came, you bet I did not want to waste those precious 15 minutes. Going into the appointment prepared was going to help me not only get the most out of my time with the allergist, but also quiet the nerves that creep in when visiting the doctor’s office.
My preparation helped me get the most of that appointment, and the ones that followed. I’m happy to say that with the help of my healthcare providers, I’ve learned what I’m allergic to now (instead of what I was allergic to 20 years ago!) and I’ve gained a new confidence around living with allergic disease. I’ve been able to add some foods back into my diet, and I’ve even gained a better understanding of how severe some of my food allergies are.
After my many trips to the doctor, I have perfected how to prepare for a visit with a healthcare provider so that our time together is the most effective. Here’s a guide to help you, including an overview of the type of information you should gather prior to your appointment and a helpful worksheet you can print out and complete.
Ready to feel confident at your next doctor’s appointment? You got this.
The first thing you’ll want to do is gather the topics you want to cover with your healthcare provider. I have a tendency to get tongue-tied and forget at least half the things I wanted to discuss when I’m sitting in the exam room. Maybe that happens to you, too? Or, all of a sudden, my issues do not seem as big of a deal as I originally thought, so I downplay symptoms. Sometimes I’ve even felt like I shouldn’t ask questions because they may seem obvious or frustrating. I don’t want to be a burden or a “bad” patient; someone who isn’t managing their disease appropriately. I now realize now that you don’t have to put on a brave face for your healthcare provider—having concerns doesn’t make you a bad patient. It makes you informed.
Remember, it is silly to get nervous around a healthcare provider. They are people too, and they are on your side! If you are embarrassed by something, I bet you they have seen it before.
But what questions are appropriate for a healthcare provider? Maybe, if you’re like me, you want to discuss how your allergy has changed over time or learn more about potential therapies or food challenges. Your questions do not always to have to be medical either, since a diagnosis like allergic disease is not only a medical condition, but also impacts your lifestyle. So asking about navigating life with food allergies is completely valid. You may want advice about safety around the school cafeteria or figuring out what precautions need to be taken around traveling with food allergies. This is also a place to start a discussion about mental health and quality of life. Your appointment is the time to get answers, and you should feel confident bringing up these types of questions to your healthcare provider.
Again, remember they are also professionals who want to help. Sharing your list of questions and concerns is a great way to break any tension you may experience, and help you stay focused on what brought you into the office in the first place.
In addition to your questions, write down your history and a timeline of your allergy symptoms. Bring any relevant photographs (of rashes, etc.). The questions you have will be directly linked to events that have prompted you to make the appointment. Use those events as a jumping-off point. The more details you can relay, the better picture you can paint for your healthcare provider.
Need help writing down your history? Take the My Symptom Profile assessment to help outline your symptoms.
Additionally, include a list of all the medications and supplements you take. Dr. Payel Gupta, my co-host for The Itch Podcast, tells all her patients to take pictures of their prescriptions and create an album on their phone. Include the name and expiration date—and if you are taking vitamins or other supplements, make sure to include the ingredient list.
Another part of preparing for an appointment is doing research. I like to know what my options are for treatment and the technical terms that I may encounter. Knowing some basic information can help the conversation with your doctor and will ultimately help you make more informed decisions.
It is important to note that not all sources are the same, in fact, far from it. Dr. Google can take you down uninformed and fear-mongering paths, so being mindful of the source is critical. An excellent place to start are organizations, associations, podcasts, or this List of Allergy Terms. In the case of anecdotal information, check to see whether the person has any bias or connections to companies or brands that could sway their opinion.
During the research phase, write down any questions that arise. No topic is off limits when it comes to your health, so ask about anything from potential treatments to symptoms and diagnosis. When you present this information to your healthcare provider, do so as a discussion, and remember that reading a handful of articles does not make you an expert.
To get the most of your appointment, go in with an open mind and a collaborative spirit. If you have already diagnosed your issue and chartered a treatment plan, you are giving your doctor little room to do his or her job. Dr. Gupta suggests that it’s helpful to approach a conversation with your doctor like, “I read this article and it suggested this, what do you think?” instead of “Here is what I read and here is what I want done.”
There is a balance between being informed and being too aggressive. Remember you are going to your doctor for a reason, and that should be because you trust them! It’s important to find a healthcare provider that you can have that collaborative relationship with. At the end of the day, finding the right path for you stems from a fruitful conversation with your healthcare provider.
If you already have testing completed, such as specific IgE blood tests and/or component testing, make sure to bring your results. Test results are not easy to interpret on your own, so if you have the opportunity to review them with your doctor, take it! If your healthcare provider has already told you that you are going to need a sIgE blood draw for monitoring changes in your already diagnosed allergy at your appointment, try calling your physician’s office prior to your appointment. Some providers will let you get the testing done beforehand so that you can discuss your results in person, alongside any other testing that they might conduct that day.
As you can tell, preparation plays an essential role in your appointment. But going in with an open mind and being ready to work with your healthcare provider is what will ultimately dictate the success of your visit.
• Waiting at the doctor's office is common. Do not book anything directly after your appointment. Having a time buffer will help you stay calm and not enter the appointment stressed or irritated.
• Your doctor wishes they could give you more time too. If your healthcare provider interrupts you, don't take it personally, it is because they most likely have an idea and will ask probing questions. They do this day in and day out, and like a detective, they want to get to the core information as soon as possible because they know that time is of the essence.
Your healthcare provider is on your team—they want to help you. Be open, share what you have researched, and then listen.