Charlie has had eczema since he was 3 months old and digestive problems when eating eggs since he was a year old. His parents removed eggs and all foods containing egg from his diet. But now, at 5 years old, Charlie ate some sherbet made with egg whites at his uncle’s house and didn’t have a reaction. Previous testing when he was 3 years old—a specific lgE (sIgE) blood test led to the diagnosis of an egg allergy.
The results of an ImmunoCAPTM Allergen Components test, together with the absence of symptoms suggest that Charlie will no longer react to eggs. His healthcare professional has Charlie undergo an Oral Food Challenge (OFC) in her office, which Charlie passes without any symptoms. His family gradually re-introduces egg in to his diet with no additional issues. Charlie is no longer allergic to eggs.
Many people are so used to living with their allergies that they never think that they should have their healthcare professional reassess their initial diagnosis. Just because you know what you were allergic to a year ago doesn’t mean you know what you’re allergic to today. Since your reactions can change over time—particularly to foods like egg—retesting can play an important role in your quality of life or the life of someone you love,1 by reducing unnecessary food avoidance and the fear of an adverse reaction. Be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.
The people, places and events depicted in these photographs do not represent actual patients, nor are they affiliated in any way with the attached case study or Thermo Fisher Scientific.
1. American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. Accessed October 2017.