Quality Club is an external quality assessment program for allergy and autoimmunity testing. As a member of Quality Club, you are part of an international testing community with a membership of more than 1,500 laboratories in 60 countries. Participating in Quality Club enables you to monitor your laboratory’s performance for specific and total IgE as well as ECP and EliA™ autoimmunity testing month-by-month and can provide an early indication of system error.
The demand for better quality assessment is growing. The well-documented information Quality Club provides helps members monitor performance and secure high standards of accuracy and reliability.
Through Quality Club, you will be able to compare your laboratory's performance with other laboratories throughout the world and receive a regular international assessment of your laboratory performance. The easy-to-read histograms will give you the possibility to audit your laboratory performance efficiently.
Through a system of monthly reports, you will be able to evaluate your testing procedures to help maintain reliable, accurate test results. As a member of Quality Club, you will receive a program kit containing reagents and materials for four months’ use.
Each month simply include serum from one or several vials in a test. Register the results via the Quality Club website or submit automatically via Phadia™ LabCommunity. Results will be presented in a monthly, confidential report that helps evaluate your laboratory’s performance. The annual summary report is a valuable tool to assess the long-term performance.
Quality Club membership is open to laboratories operating Phadia™ Laboratory Systems. For more information on how to become a member, contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific representative.
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