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Phadia 1000 instrument
Introduction to Phadia 1000
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Made to focus on ImmunoCAPTM tests

If your lab needs to deliver high volumes of ImmunoCAP test results efficiently, the Phadia™ 1000 instrument is made for you.

Your first results are available in 100 minutes, followed by one every 15 seconds. Given the instrument’s full random access, reagent redundancy, and large refrigerated storage compartments, you can load patient samples and reagents continuously to keep the results coming without disruptions.

Maximizing performance doesn’t mean losing flexibility. On a single Phadia 1000 instrument, you can run any combination of the full range of clinically relevant allergens, allergen components, and antigens in the ImmunoCAP test portfolio.

When your laboratory needs to run high volumes of tests to aid in the diagnosis of allergic diseases quickly, the Phadia 1000 instrument delivers results as you need them.

Phadia 1000 instrument. Made to focus.

Check out the features that make the Phadia 1000 instrument right for your laboratory
Instrument Details
Sample loading area
High-capacity sample loading area and continuous sample loading without interruptions to allow operator flexibility.
QC positions and ImmunoCAP carrier storage
Run three methods in parallel with dedicated quality controls, enabling more than 300 different tests to be performed in one assay run with all reagents on board.
ImmunoCAP carrier storage
Ensures all necessary tests are onboard to avoid interruptions during operation.
Conjugate storage compartment
Assay runs with three different methods in parallel (e.g., tIgE, sIgE, and tryptase) for up to 3,200 tests.
Development solution compartment
Hold enough development solution onboard for 2,400 to 4,400 test doses.
Processing chambers are the core engine of Phadia Laboratory Systems
Climate-controlled reaction chambers enable access to the gold standard in allergy testing and IgE sensibilization tests in allergy diagnostics.
Canister storage shelf and fixed pipe/drain connections
Efficient and ergonomic fluid-handling options, adaptable to the laboratory’s infrastructure and workflow needs.
Barcode scanning of sample racks, samples, and ImmunoCAP carriers and reagents
Full traceability to ensure patient safety and minimize risk of manual errors.
System operation
Less than 15 minutes of operator time is needed to set up the system and start the run to produce up to 240 test results per hour.
Instrument touchscreen, Phadia Prime Software, and status indicator light
Ease of use for the operator.
Stop solution compartment
Hold enough stop solution onboard for 2,400 determinations.
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  • Throughput up to 240 results/hour.
  • Continuous random access.
  • Refrigerated on-board reagent storage and 28-day stored calibration curve.
  • Connectable to Laboratory Automation Systems (LAS).*
  • Network multiple Phadia™ instruments for clustered** setup for efficient handling.


  • Large allergen test menu covering more than 500 whole allergens and mixes and 100 allergen components.
  • Automatic start-up and shut-down functionality.
  • User-configurable reflex testing functionality.
  • LIS connectivity via Phadia™ Prime software.


  • Excellent consistency over time and between countries, systems, laboratories, and users.
  • Support and troubleshooting enhanced by the secure Phadia LabCommunity connectivity.
  • Quality Club: One of the largest global quality assessment programs.

*Contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific representative for available LAS connectivity.

**Cluster setup allows several Phadia instruments networked together to be operated with one Phadia Prime computer.



Phadia 1000 instrument capability

Phadia 1000 testing instrument walk away time diagram

Throughput up to 240 ImmunoCAP test results/hour.

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