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ImmunoCAP 全過敏原


我們提供最廣泛之選擇超過 550 種以上特異性 IgE 全過敏原和過敏原混合物,包括食物、花粉、動物皮屑、微生物、昆蟲毒液、職業性過敏原等,給予臨床醫師更高度的診斷確定性。ImmunoCAP™ 檢測提供了循環血中特異過敏原 IgE 抗體之客觀測量。特異性 IgE 抗體的出現為接觸且對過敏原發生致敏反應的結果。



透過結合個案病史與 ImmunoCAP 全過敏原檢測1,2* 改善準確性

當臨床病史加上 ImmunoCAP 全過敏原檢測結果時,顯示能提升過敏診斷之可靠性。1,2


ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgE 具絕佳的臨床表現:3**

  • 84 至 95% 靈敏度
  • 85 至 94% 特異性







我們的高品質系統和產出流程控制旨在確保過敏原一致性,使 ImmunoCAP 檢測能提供精確、可再現的特異性 IgE 抗體定量,於多項研究和品質架構下確認。4,5

  • 真實定量測量範圍為 0.1-100 kUA/l。6,7
  • 定量極限 可低至 0.1 kUA/l。6,7
  • 結果一致之 ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgE 檢測 (CV <15%)。4,5
  • 不同時間下、各實驗室、系統和實驗室操作者之間的檢測結果一致。4-6


臨床診斷決定點所參考之 ImmunoCAP 數值,無法套用至來自其他診斷系統的結果。8-11



  • 年齡
  • 異位性程度 
  • 過敏原量
  • 過敏原類型或致敏之過敏原
  • 之前的症狀
  • 其他誘發因子

定量特異性 IgE 含量可轉化為明確之臨床效益

  • 不同時間下追蹤患者的過敏狀態—耐受性之發展。16,17
  • 早期致敏作用可作為未來過敏之預測。14-16
  • 協助診斷過敏、鑑定致敏過敏原及交叉反應。12

特異性 IgE 濃度與症狀性疾病之風險相關

定量特異性 IgE 含量之診斷價值已視像化為一通用風險曲線。此曲線是根據數千項 ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgE 檢測結果而來,並展示出 IgE 含量升高與症狀性過敏可能性提高之間的關係。一般經驗法則為 IgE 抗體數值越高,暴露於過敏原而出現症狀的可能性則越高。12-14

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查看可執行 ImmunoCAP 檢測的儀器。
檢視 Phadia 實驗室系統
  1. Duran-Tauleria, E., et al., The utility of specific immunoglobulin E measurements in primary care.Allergy, 2004.59 Suppl 78: p. 35-41.
  2. Niggemann, B., M. Nilsson, and F. Friedrichs, Paediatric allergy diagnosis in primary care is improved by in vitro allergen-specific IgE testing.Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2008.19(4): p. 325-31.
  3. Johansson, S.G., ImmunoCAP Specific IgE test: an objective tool for research and routine allergy diagnosis.Expert Rev Mol Diagn, 2004.4(3): p. 273-9.
  4. UKNEQAS for specific IgE: Pooled CV (%) during 2011-2017.
  5. Quality Club Specific IgE; pooled CV (%) during 2003-2017.
  6. van Hage, M., C. Hamsten, and R. Valenta, ImmunoCAP assays: Pros and cons in allergology.J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2017.140(4): p. 974-977.
  7. Directions for use.ImmunoCAP specific IgE.
  8. Wood RA, Segall N, Ahlstedt, S et al.(2007) Accuracy of IgE antibody laboratory results.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.99: 34-41.
  9. Wang J, Godbold JH, Sampson HA.(2008) Correlation of serum (IgE) tests performed by different assay systems.J Allergy Clin Immunol 121(5):1219–24.
  10. Cox L, Williams B, Sicherer, S et al.(2008) Pearls and pitfalls of allergic diagnostic testing:report from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology/American Academy of Allergy/Asthma and Immunology Specific IgE Test Task Force.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.101(6):580-92.
  11. Boyce B, Assa’ad A, Wesley Burks A et al.(2010) Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of food allergy in the United States: report of the NIAID-sponsored expert panel.J Allergy Clin Immunol.126(6 Suppl): S1-58.
  12. Soderstrom, L., et al., A further evaluation of the clinical use of specific IgE antibody testing in allergic diseases.Allergy, 2003.58(9): p. 921-8.
  13. Sampson, H.A., Utility of food-specific IgE concentrations in predicting symptomatic food allergy.J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2001.107(5): p. 891-6.
  14. Shek, L.P., et al., Determination of food specific IgE levels over time can predict the development of tolerance in cow's milk and hen's egg allergy.J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2004.114(2): p. 387-91.
  15. Illi, S., et al., The natural course of atopic dermatitis from birth to age 7 years and the association with asthma.J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2004.113(5): p. 925-31.
  16. Eigenmann, P.A., et al., Testing children for allergies: why, how, who and when: an updated statement of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Section on Pediatrics and the EAACI-Clemens von Pirquet Foundation.Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2013.24(2): p. 195-209.
  17. Wood, R.A., The likelihood of remission of food allergy in children: when is the optimal time for challenge?Curr Allergy Asthma Rep, 2012.12(1): p. 42-7.