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Phadia™ Xplain ICAP application Allergy diagnostics Xplained

Comprehensive interpretation aid for improved patient management

The Phadia™ Xplain ICAP application is a comprehensive interpretation aid, generating clear patient reports for ImmunoCAPTM Specific IgE test results, including clinical implications, cross-reactivities, and information about allergens—all in an accessible format. 

The customizable Phadia Xplain ICAP patient sample reports explain the ImmunoCAP Specific IgE test results, helping clinicians (including nonexpert specific IgE test users) diagnose and manage allergies. Available in brief, intermediate, and comprehensive formats, test results are displayed numerically and/or graphically. A concise description of the quantitative methods used to determine IgE levels is included with every sample report.

The application provides access to an online resource library with allergen information and advice for patients living with allergies.

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Optimize lab efficiency while improving service to clinicians

The Phadia Xplain ICAP application is based on ImmunoCAP Specific IgE, referred to as the gold standard technology used in allergy diagnostics.1

Based on peer reviewed science and developed in collaboration with laboratory and allergy specialists, the Phadia Xplain ICAP application elevates your lab’s services for clinicians. By providing standardized and automated explanations of test results, it helps improve the efficiency of your laboratory operations. 

Explore the application through the eyes of a pediatrician.

Discover the application from a lab manager’s perspective.

How does the Phadia Xplain ICAP application work?

As a subscription-based add-on to Phadia Prime software, the Phadia Xplain ICAP application, which is available in 21 languages, seamlessly integrates with Laboratory Information Systems using industry standard XML and PDF files. Thanks to the connection to Phadia LabCommunity, the activation or renewal of the Phadia Xplain ICAP application is managed through Phadia LabCommunity. 

Download our fact sheets to learn more about the clinical benefits and laboratory efficiency aspects.  

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