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Laboratory Testing for Pernicious Anemia
Results You Can Rely On

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Pernicious anemia (PA) is the final stage of autoimmune gastritis and characterized by vitamin B12 deficiency.1 Its definitive diagnosis is important because the patients need lifelong parenteral vitamin B12 treatment.2

PA is associated with two autoantibodies that can be used for diagnostic testing:1

  • Antibodies directed to parietal cells that produce the vitamin B12-transporting protein called intrinsic factor.
  • Antibodies directed to the intrinsic factor, blocking its capability to transport vitamin B12 through the ileum wall.

The simultaneous determination of antibodies to parietal cells and those to intrinsic factor create a higher probability in the diagnosis of PA.1,2


Why choose Thermo Fisher Scientific as your partner in pernicious anemia testing?


Complete, fully automated, portfolio

With an exceptionally high clinical specificity of 99.4% and 89.9%, respectively, combined with a clinical sensitivity of 51.9% and 81.0%, respectively, EliA™ Intrinsic Factor test and EliA™ Parietal Cell test form the best-in-class, fully automated portfolio to aid in the diagnosis of PA.3


Results you can rely on to detect pernicious anemia, sooner

Combining the outstanding sensitivity and specificity of the EliA Intrinsic Factor and EliA Parietal Cell test increases the clinical sensitivity to 91.1% while maintaining specificity at 87%, helping you put the patient first by detecting more patients suffering from PA, sooner.3


Optimized for lean working

EliA Intrinsic Factor test and EliA Parietal Cell test can be measured from one sample in one run and on the same fully automated Phadia™ Laboratory Systems.

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These products may not be cleared for use in your country. Please contact your sales representative for information about specific product availability.

  1. Toh BH, Alderuccio F. Pernicious anaemia. Autoimmunity. 2004;37(4):357-61.
  2. Andres E, Serraj K. Optimal management of pernicious anemia. J Blood Med. 2012;3:97-103.
  3. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Data on file.