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Rudi had eczema starting at 6 months old that he outgrew around the same time he began going to school. He has also suffers from asthma and it gets worse (exacerbates) after being active. Allergies are common in Rudi’s family: His mother is allergic to nuts, and his younger brother is allergic to egg, milk, peanut, tree pollen, cats and dogs. During tree pollen season, Rudi’s nose was stuffy and his eyes were red and itchy.

When Rudi was 4, skin-prick testing results led to a diagnosis of tree pollen, peanut, nut, and pet dander allergies. He was told to strictly avoid peanut and nuts and was prescribed an antihistamine to take during tree pollen season and corticosteroids, a long-term asthma control medication and an inhaler for his asthma. A combination of skin-prick testing and a blood test when he was 7 confirmed the same results, but a year later his healthcare professional decided to perform additional testing on Rudi.    

Rudi’s Results

The results of an ImmunoCAPTM Allergen Components test show that Rudi has the risk of a severe reaction to peanuts, even in small amounts. Rudi needs to strictly avoid peanuts and any foods that may contain peanut. Rudi’s allergy to birch pollen was also confirmed and he will continue taking an antihistamine during tree pollen season. The test results also show a pollen-related food allergy that might cause reactions in the mouth when eating hazelnuts, since a protein found in hazelnuts is similar to a protein found in birch. His healthcare professional recommends that Rudi undergo an Oral Food Challenge (OFC) with hazelnut, to help ease his mother’s fear of Rudi’s reaction to hazelnut, given his reaction to peanuts and her own nut allergy. 

Am I Allergic?

Why it’s important to know

Many people are so used to living with their symptoms that they’ve never considered asking for help. Knowing what’s causing your symptoms can help you get relief now, and avoid more serious issues in the future. Be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.

The people, places and events depicted in these photographs do not represent actual patients, nor are they affiliated in any way with the attached case study or Thermo Fisher Scientific.