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Paul is an active 14-year-old who loves to play sports, but his allergies have started to interfere with his ability to play. When he was a baby he had eczema due to egg and milk allergies, which he eventually outgrew. But starting at 8 years old, Paul began to experience a moderately stuffy nose and itchy red eyes during pollen season and he was diagnosed with a pollen allergy. He was prescribed antihistamines and nasal steroids to help his symptoms.

Although these helped in the past, his symptoms are now getting worse. He’s had two asthma attacks during the late spring and summer and he’s experienced an itchy mouth when eating tomatoes, melon, mandarin, kiwi and peaches. Because of his newly developed symptoms, his healthcare professional has recommended further testing.    

Paul's Results

An ImmunoCAPTM Whole Allergen blood test results identified that Paul has a grass pollen allergy. His healthcare professional also prescribes an allergen components test for grass, which shows that Paul would benefit from timothy grass specific immunotherapy. These results also show that a timothy grass cross-reaction might also explain Paul’s itchy mouth when he eats certain fruit and vegetables.

After 2 years of specific immunotherapy, Paul’s grass pollen symptoms have improved significantly. He’s noticed fewer symptoms when eating tomatoes, melon, mandarin, kiwi and peaches.

Am I Allergic?

Why it’s important to know

Many people are so used to living with their symptoms that they’ve never considered asking for help. Knowing what’s causing your symptoms can help you achieve relief now, and avoid more serious issues in the future. Be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.

The people, places and events depicted in these photographs do not represent actual patients, nor are they affiliated in any way with the attached case study or Thermo Fisher Scientific.