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ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4
An Aid During Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy

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Quantifying allergen-specific IgG4 antibodies in serum with ImmunoCAP™ Specific IgG4 tests1 offers proper evaluation of immunological response.2 During allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT), increased levels of allergen-specific IgG4 indicate that the immune system is responding to therapy. IgG4 has the ability to modulate the immune response to allergen and thus the potential to influence the clinical response.3

With ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4, valuable clinical information in the fields of allergic disease and immunotherapy can be obtained. Measurement of specific IgG4 antibodies have also been used in clinical studies of different allergic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and gastrointestinal disorders.4,5

Follow up allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT)

During immunotherapy, increased levels of specific IgG4 may indicate:

  • A general, but not definitive, correlation with clinical outcome.5
  • Show that the immune system is responding to the therapy.5

There is no common cut-off value for above normal levels of circulating specific IgG4 antibodies, as these are markers for allergen exposure, which may not be directly related to the disease and will depend on the local environment and levels of exposure.5


ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4 tests
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  1. Jutel, M. and C.A. Akdis, Immunological mechanisms of allergen-specific immunotherapy. Allergy, 2011. 66(6): p. 725-32.
  2. Directions for use. ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4.
  3. Jutel, M., A. Kosowska, and S. Smolinska, Allergen Immunotherapy: Past, Present, and Future. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res, 2016. 8(3): p. 191-7.
  4. Smoldovskaya, O., et al., Allergen-specific IgE and IgG4 patterns among patients with different allergic diseases. World Allergy Organ J, 2018. 11(1): p. 35.
  5. Ito, K., et al., The usefulness of casein-specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies in cow's milk allergic children. Clin Mol Allergy, 2012. 10(1): p.1.