Our Stories

Our Stories

Our Stories

Lab automation goes viral in honeybee disease research

How a Thermo Fisher innovation is helping scientists understand the disease landscape threatening the beloved pollinators and the world’s food system that relies on them

Better texture for better batteries

A new battery innovation looks at an overlooked attribute – the texture of metal – to improve performance.

Water wise

14-year-old Tina Jin, winner of the 2024 Thermo Fisher Junior Innovators Challenge, endeavors to help everyone, everywhere access clean, drinkable water.

Food allergy diagnosis helps patient take back control of her life

In our exclusive video, Lidia shares her story of how her diagnosis using a Thermo Fisher test helped her doctor develop a new treatment plan enabled her to eat foods that once would have killed her.

Assembling birthing kits to support underserved mothers and babies

Over the past 25 years, the Birthing Kit Foundation Australia (BKFA) has supplied more than 2.8 million birthing kits to remote areas in more than 30 developing countries through partnerships with local outreach organizations, volunteers, and global corporations, including Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Thermo Fisher colleagues’ passion to advance HIV clinical trials help make lifesaving therapies a reality

For over 30 years Thermo Fisher has been instrumental in helping customers develop HIV clinical trials and life-changing therapies.


Finding new hope with a prosthetic hand

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s partnership with The Hand Project restores hope and dignity to amputees in developing nations, including Veronica Kidemi from Tanzania.


Partnering with Ronald McDonald House to support families of pediatric patients

Our collaboration with Ronald McDonald House supports families in need through innovative solutions and community outreach, due largely in part to our Community Action Council (CAC).

Surviving sepsis: one man's ordeal

A routine surgery almost cost Jerome Bursens his life when he developed sepsis, a violent overreaction of the body's immune system that kills 11 million people each year.

Addressing the opioid crisis through science-based technology

Police departments look to advanced tools like handheld chemical analyzers provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific to help thwart the drug trade and keep them safe.

Allergy Diagnostic Tests Help Ambitious Tennis Player Get Back in the Game

Jesper's dream to play tennis professionally was ignited when he was 2 years old. But an allergy of unknown origin threatened to derail his dream.

Supporting connections that lead to life-saving medical care

It is through thousands of snack packs, kits of healthcare essentials and bottled water donated by local organizations and companies like Thermo Fisher that Care Beyond the Boulevard creates critical community-based connections.

Improving global maternal health

Last year, we launched the industry's first, FDA-cleared blood test to help determine a pregnant woman’s risk of developing preeclampsia with severe features.

Building hope and affordable homes in Michigan

In the heart of Romulus, Mich., a beacon of hope is rising to address the need for affordable housing in an economically depressed region where unemployment and unskilled labor runs high.

The Just Project: The Legacy of a Pioneering Partnership with HBCUs

“I was well aware the undergraduate HBCUs didn’t have the means or resources to do this, so the hub model Thermo Fisher leaders had in mind was perfect.”

This Girl is On Fire

Out of 60,000 competitors, judges at the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge name 12-year-old Shanya Gill the winner for her novel fire detection system designed to more effectively save lives and property.

Creating empowerment opportunities in the veterinary sciences

For Dr. Barfield and Willow Brook Animal Hospital, professional empowerment is just as much a part of the mission as providing excellent care for pets.

Diversity in clinical trials

The more diverse a group of clinical trial participants is, the more we can learn about the safety and efficacy of a potential medicine for all people, now and in the future.

Finding new meaning at work after a breast cancer diagnosis

Following her diagnosis, Liz’s work with pharmaceutical companies has taken on new meaning. “I’m more aware than ever that there is a patient on the other side. One just like me.”

Vinnie's transplant

A collaboration between OneLegacy and Thermo Fisher led Vinnie to look forward to life's precious moments - a future she once feared would never be possible.

Climbing back from sepsis: Cor's story

After almost losing her life to acute pneumonia and sepsis and undergoing a quadruple amputation, Cor has made it her mission to prove there is life after limb loss.  

Life undiscovered

For geomicrobiologist Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese, going a step beyond means making connections between tiny microbes and huge advances in science.

Offering hope to children with leukemia

Supported by a Cancer Research Grant from Thermo Fisher, Dr. Laura Edie works to arm clinicians with an arsenal of treatment options for children with cancer. 

Giving Jake his independence back

During a training exercise, a U.S. Marine Corps amphibious assault vehicle hit a hidden gas line on the side of the road. After many attempts to dislodge the vehicle a spark ignited...

Expanding access to cell and gene therapies


Thermo Fisher’s global pharmaceutical services network supports cell and gene therapy developers working toward a shared goal.

Engineering a miracle for Maddie

When Maddie was 3 years old, doctors told her mother to consider hospice. Almost 10 years later, she doesn’t dwell on her cancer. These days she dreams about getting her learner’s permit.

Innovating for a greener future

Koppert, a company that produces and sells natural alternatives to chemical pesticides, was looking for a more eco-friendly method to ship live, biological crop protection – one that didn’t compromise on quality.

Gideon and his family find hope in CAR T cell therapy

When Gideon was just five years old, his health took a turn for the worse. He began experiencing fevers, unexplained swelling in his chest, and sensitivity to the sun...

Kirk's race against cancer

"Research saves lives," says Kirk, an endurance athlete who credits new targeted therapies and cancer research for allowing him to live an active life despite a lung cancer diagnosis that has a low survival rate.

Delivering a dream through genetic testing research

For Elizabeth, having a baby was always the next chapter of her life plan. After a year and half of trying to conceive naturally, Elizabeth was told her egg count was lower than average...

Removing the word ‘serial’ from crime

In the diverse county of Bensalem Township, Public Safety Director Fred Harran is a man on a mission: to catch offenders before they have a chance to become repeat offenders...

Delivering COVID-19 solutions when the world needed it most

At Thermo Fisher Scientific, our Mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. So, when scientists, governments and healthcare workers around the world...

Turning the taps on without fear

Bathing your child. Drinking a glass of water. Even brushing your teeth with tap water is no longer possible for the community of Flint, Michigan. “It can’t be done,” says Michael Harris...

Mission in a Minute

Bringing awareness to global observances and recognizing Thermo Fisher's contributions and/or impact.

Thought leadership

Whitepaper, OpEds from leadership, and how we're focusing on our Mission.


Counting on You

For recipients of the lifesaving, life-changing gift of organ donation, “counting” has many meanings. Every day is a chance to cover more miles on a bike, train another athlete or teach another student. These individuals are literally counting the moments and the milestones. At the same time, they are “counting” on the donors, caregivers, nonprofits, industry, healthcare providers and practitioners that make the miracle transplantation possible.


With Counting on You, we aim to amplify these stories and encourage organ donation by demonstrating the impact it can have on a life.


Vadrien: 90 days of service since her kidney transplant

Watch her story

Ava: 435 families helped since her heart transplant

See her story

Amelia: 5 milestones reached since her heart transplant

Read her story

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