Il test ImmunoCAP™ Phadiatop™ misura gli anticorpi delle IgE verso una miscela ben bilanciata di allergeni inalanti comuni e aiuta a confermare o escludere l'allergia atopica, ossia la tendenza a produrre una risposta IgE-mediata alle proteine presenti nell'ambiente. ImmunoCAP Phadiatop Infant, una soluzione ottimizzata per i bambini di età inferiore a 5 anni, include allergeni alimentari importanti per questa fascia di età.1-5
Questi test possono aiutare i Clinici a:
Il test ImmunoCAP Phadiatop può essere eseguito con poche limitazioni. A differenza dei tradizionali skin-prick test (SPT), il test sierologico ImmunoCAP:
Per facilitare l'identificazione degli allergeni che provocano i sintomi e stabilirne i valori quantitativi, si consiglia di testare nuovamente il campione con gli allergeni interi ImmunoCAP per le IgE specifiche.
1. Directions for use. ImmunoCAP Phadiatop.
2. Eriksson, N.E., Allergy screening with Phadiatop and CAP Phadiatop in combination with a questionnaire in adults with asthma and rhinitis. Allergy, 1990. 45(4): p. 285-92.
3. Fiocchi, A., et al., Differential diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergy in young children with wheezing or eczema symptoms using a single blood test. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2004. 93(4): p. 328-33.
4. Nilsson C, et al. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2012 Mar;23(2):159–65.
5. Ballardini, N., et al., ImmunoCAP Phadiatop Infant--a new blood test for detecting IgE sensitisation in children at 2 years of age. Allergy, 2006. 61(3): p. 337-43.
6. Williams, P.B., C. Siegel, and J. Portnoy, Efficacy of a single diagnostic test for sensitization to common inhalant allergens. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2001. 86(2): p. 196-202.
7. Halvorsen, R., et al., Phadiatop infant in the diagnosis of atopy in children with allergy-like symptoms. Int J Pediatr, 2009. 2009: p. 460737.
8. Paganelli, R., et al., Specific IgE antibodies in the diagnosis of atopic disease. Clinical evaluation of a new in vitro test system, UniCAP, in six European allergy clinics. Allergy, 1998. 53(8): p. 763-8.
9. Siles, R.I. and F.H. Hsieh, Allergy blood testing: A practical guide for clinicians. Cleve Clin J Med, 2011. 78(9): p. 585-92.
10. Bonnelykke, K., C.B. Pipper, and H. Bisgaard, Sensitization does not develop in utero. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2008. 121(3): p. 646-51.
11. Belhocine, W., et al., Total serum tryptase levels are higher in young infants. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2011. 22(6): p. 600-7.
12. Bacharier, L.B., et al., Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in childhood: a PRACTALL consensus report. Allergy, 2008. 63(1): p. 5-34.
13. Walsh, J. and N. O'Flynn, Diagnosis and assessment of food allergy in children and young people in primary care and community settings: NICE clinical guideline. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 2011. 61(588): p. 473-475.
14. ImmunoDiagnostics Statment, No Biotin Interference in ImmunoCAPTM Assays. Uppsala, Jan 31 2018.