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ImmunoCAP ISAC Test
Unparalleled Answers to Puzzling Allergies

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Determining the real causes of an allergic reaction may require several pieces of information. This is especially true when symptoms and case history are inconsistent, or the patient is multisensitized or shows unsatisfactory response to the treatment. In these puzzling cases, making the correct diagnosis may be both time-consuming and problematic.

The ImmunoCAP™ ISAC assay is a multiplex specific IgE test with allergen components to help healthcare providers resolve puzzling allergies.1,2

A test you can trust to provide unparalleled results

ImmunoCAP ISAC is the multiplex specific IgE test that combines clinically relevant composition of allergens, interpretation aids, broad documentation, and multiple years of experience—with only one drop of blood.*

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Clinically relevant selection of allergen components

112 allergen components from 48 different allergen sources have been thoroughly selected based on evidence in clinical literature for their potential to improve allergy diagnosis, assess risk for systemic reactions, and determine allergen(s) for successful allergen immunotherapy.1,2


Interpreted results provide the whole picture, at-a-glance

Results come in a structured report providing a comprehensive overview of a patient’s primary and cross-reactive sensitizations, as well as the clinical implication. This report helps simplify diagnosis of allergy and support clinical decision-making.

Clinically validated and clinically proven

The ImmunoCAP ISAC assay has shown to provide robust performance, good reproducibility, and low variation demonstrated in a global validation study.3 More than 12 years of experience from research and clinical practice have resulted in more than 260 peer-reviewed publications.4

*30 µl of serum or plasma





ImmunoCAP ISAC tests
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Article Number 81-1020-01
Product Type テスト
Size 5 x 4 tests
Product Info

1.       Matricardi, P.M., et al., EAACI Molecular Allergology User's Guide. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2016. 27 Suppl 23: p. 1-250.

2.       Directions for use. ImmunoCAP ISAC E112i.

3.       van Hage, M., et al., Performance evaluation of ImmunoCAP(R) ISAC 112: a multi-site study. Clin Chem Lab Med, 2017. 55(4): p. 571-577.

4.       Thermo Fisher Scientific compiled list of publications. 20190520.