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ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE
定量 IgE 總濃度


ImmunoCAP™ 總量 IgE 能測量人體血清或血漿樣本中的循環血中 IgE 總量。1 IgE 抗體的出現為對過敏原產生致敏反應的結果。許多因過敏而患有氣喘、鼻炎或異位性皮膚炎之病患,其總量 IgE 濃度可能上升。1,3-5

ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE 是一項完全定量之檢測,其能提供準確之循環血中 IgE 含量,測量範圍相當廣大,介於 2 至 5000 kU/L 之間。1 具低血清 IgE 含量之病患,ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE 低值可提供 0.1-100 kU/L 之間的定量測量。2



  • 總血清 IgE 含量會因異位性狀態而異6,可協助醫療專業人員進行 IgE 誘發型過敏疾患之臨床診斷。1,2
  • 對於疑似有職業性過敏但無異位性背景的病患來說,上升的血清 IgE 濃度能為高度暴露於過敏原所引起的致敏反應提供指標。7,8
  • 寄生蟲腸道感染已證實會誘發 IgE 之產生,造成血清 IgE 含量上升。9
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  1. Directions for use.ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE。
  2. Directions for use.ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE 低值。
  3. Cakanlar, F.N., E. Ceylan, and A. Kanbay, Relationship between serum total ige specific ige and serum total eosinophil counts in asthma bronchiale patients.World Allergy Organization Journal, 2015.8(Suppl 1): p. A25.
  4. Poleshuck, R.T.F., et al., Levels of total serum IgE and specific IgE sensitization profile in patients with atopic dermatitis.World Allergy Organization Journal, 2015.8(1): p. A142-A142.
  5. Poleshuck, Rafael Teixeira Figueredo et al.“Levels of total serum IgE and specific IgE sensitization profile in patients with atopic dermatitis” World Allergy Organization Journal, Volume 8, A142
  6. Wayne T. R. and Hales B. J. “Immune Responses to Inhalant Allergens”; WAO Journal 2008;89-95
  7. Hollund, B.E., et al., Occupational exposure to hairdressing chemicals and immunoglobulin E synthesis.Scand J Work Environ Health, 2002.28(4): p. 264-9.
  8. Hossain;, M.A. and L.N.Islam, Effect of Occupational Exposure on Allergic Diseases and Relationship with Serum IgE Levels in the Tannery Workers in Bangladesh.2016.
  9. De Farias Sales, V.S., et al., Serum total IgE, ascaris lumbricoides specific IgE and eosinophils in parasites-infected children in a tropical area.The World Allergy Organization Journal, 2015.8(Suppl 1): p. A223-A223.