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Dedicated to helping your laboratory deliver precise, reliable results from supportive operator software through secure internet solutions for online customer support.

Our dedication to finding technological solutions to your laboratory’s challenges does not stop with our ImmunoCAPTM and EliATM assays. We apply the same rigor and process to our software solutions as we do to each piece of our laboratory systems.

A wide range of benefits: 

Intuitive and Powerful Software that is Easy to Use


Global Quality Assessment

Program for ImmunoCAP and EliA Assays

Online Customer Support


As your laboratory grows, our software helps you stay connected

When your ImmunoCAP and EliA test capacity increases, so does your need for information technology infrastructure. Phadia™ Laboratory Systems and Phadia™ Prime software can help.

Phadia Prime helps you configure the Phadia Laboratory Systems to suit your laboratory's needs. With Phadia Prime, your laboratory can harness the potential of your Phadia Laboratory Systems. This software gives you the ability to seamlessly integrate up to 5 Phadia 250 instruments and 5 Phadia 1000 instruments in a single network.* In addition, Phadia Prime automates communication with other laboratory systems, such as Laboratory Information System (LIS) and Laboratory Automation System (LAS).

*For laboratories using Phadia 2500 or Phadia 5000 instruments, one Phadia Prime PC is connected per instrument. Learn more > 

Committed to leading the way in laboratory software

From handling requests, results, calculations and statistics for dedicated in vitro diagnostics, to communicating with other laboratory IT systems, our software is developed specifically to support the work of clinical laboratories.


Phadia Prime software         Phadia IDM software